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Our Ministries



We are very fortunate to have the support of many parishioners who willingly give up some of their time to become involved in various parish ministries.  However, we continually welcome new laypeople to partake in parish life, which so many find enjoyable and fulfilling.  Please select Ministries to view the various teams which we have in our parish which you may wish to join. 


We have the following Ministries in our Parish:

Ministers of the Word

Ministers of the Eucharist

Church Stewards

Various Choirs

Finance Committee


Parish Pastoral Council

New members are very welcome to join any of these Teams which you may feel you can contribute to, by contacting the Parish office, details on the home page. 

Eucharist Ministry

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. In Holy Communion we unite ourselves to Christ and to one another. We, all together, become The People of God in a unique and precious way.

Ministers of the Eucharist help with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass and also bring Communion to members of the parish who are housebound. They will be asked to attend a short preparation course before they are publicly commissioned to serve in the parish.


Get involved in your Parish

We would love to buid and develop our Parish into a vibrant space where young and not so young feel they belong. 

We in particular want to work on outreaches to:

  • Youth

    • Children

    • Teenagers

    • Young Adults

  • Adult Faith Development​

  • A Mens group

  • Baptism Preparation Group

  • Liturgy Team

  • Play & Pray Mothers & Others Group

  • Care for Our Common Home Group

Image by Annie Theby

Baptisim Team

Our Baptism Team, made up of parents, facilitate a Preparation Meeting shortly before the Baptism to explain what will happen on the day and to invite participation by families in the Ceremony.

Ministers of The Word

This ministry involves the proclamation of the Word of God at Mass. A roster is prepared and published every month.  If you are interested in becoming a reader in our Church, please contact the Parish Office

Parish Pastoral Council

We have been blessed to have a Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) in Balbriggan since they were first introduced by Archbishop Martin in 2007. We are grateful to those who have served on the various Councils since that time and we continue to build on the strong foundations which have been set for us.

The role of the PPC is to discern in a prayerful way the needs of our Parishioners and to respond to those needs in light of the Gospel.  The PPC encourages members of the Parish Community to take a more active role in the life of the Parish and to deepen their understanding of their Christian faith.

For our current Council, there was a public process whereby parishioners were invited to nominate candidates. The diversity of our Parish Community was an important consideration in discerning PPC members.

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Telephone: 01 8412116


Saints Peter & Paul's Church, Dublin St, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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