First Holy Communion
Holy Communion is also known as Eucharist. Indeed the whole Mass is known as Eucharist from a Greek word meaning “thanksgiving”.
Catholics believe that in a mysterious way through Holy Communion we are sharing in the Body and Blood, the life of Christ.
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), a person admits to any wrongs they have done and is forgiven by God through the Priest. This Sacrament is celebrated in preparation for First Holy Communion.
The Process
First Communion for children who have been baptised into the Catholic Church is celebrated no earlier than when a child is in Second Class of Primary School.
School preparations for the celebration of First Communion and First Reconciliation/Confession begin in September of First Class.
In September of Second Class, the Parish makes formal contact with the Primary Schools in the Parish Area and invites Parents to request First Communion for their child. With the Request Form the Parents are required to supply a copy of their child’s Baptism Certificate. No Form is accepted without that Certificate,and a contribution towards administration costs is requested.
Situations may arise where children have not been Baptised, for these and all other queries, Parents should contact the Parish Office—Monday till Friday, 9.30am—1.00pm.
All families are strongly encouraged to attend Sunday Mass. In particular, to make a special effort to attend the preparation Masses (see below) and where possible, to participate or prepare the Masses for their children
Do This in Memory Programme
Families are asked to participate in the “Do This In Memory” Programme. This Programme is a combination of Parish, School and Parents working together to prepare the children. From October till April, monthly Masses are held in preparation for First Confession and First Holy Communion. If possible we love to have parents involved in organising these Masses.
First Communion is usually celebrated in the month of May each year and Schools are notified of the date in January.
If you would like to help organising the Do This in Memory celebrations please contact our Parish Office, 01 8412116
In September, you will be ask if you would like to present you child to receive First Confession and First Holy Communion.
As part of that process, you will be asked for your child’s Catholic Baptismal Certificate. The Summer Months provide a good opportunity to get a copy of that Cert/Card if you do not already have it.
Your child’s Baptismal Cert is available from the Church where he/she was baptised