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On the day of your child’s Baptism you brought them to the Church and began their journey of faith. You stood before the priest and the community of the Church, represented by your family and friends and promised to ‘keep the flame of faith alive in their hearts’ (Rite of Baptism). The same child you brought to the Church on the day of Baptism is now growing up and part of that is making choices, including in the area of faith. On the day of Confirmation it is time for young people to take on the responsibility for their own faith.

The Process

  • Confirmation for those who have been baptised and received First Holy Communion is usually celebrated in Sixth Class in Primary School,

  • The Parish makes contact with all the schools in the Parish and invites Request Forms to be completed and with a copy of the Candidate’s Baptism Certificate to be lodged with the Parish.

  • This Sacrament is normally celebrated in May and Schools notified as soon as the dates become available in January.

  • Along with the preparations taking place in the classroom, the Candidates for Confirmation should receive the support of their Parents.

At Home

How can you prepare for Confirmation at home?

  • Share conversations at home about the preparation programme and talk about how they feel about Confirmation.

  • Attendance at Mass and praying together, are all positive ways for Parents to participate for this important event in their child’s faith journey.

  • Talk about the good work which happens within the community. Perhaps you and your child could find some way of contributing to the community.

  • Traditionally, a name chosen at Confirmation is the one of a Christian whose life we wish to imitate.

  • A Sponsor is (who has received Confirmation) someone whom we know will be there for us as a guide on our Christian journey.

  • ​

Our Parish programme of Preparation  will begin in October and you will receive a note about our Meeting for Parents. If you have not got your child’s Catholic Baptismal Cert/Card, now is a good time to get it from the Church where you child was baptised. You will be asked for this Cert./Card in November.

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Saints Peter & Paul's Church, Dublin St, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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