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Child Protection Policy


We in Balbriggan Parish, value and encourage the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development.  We recognize the dignity and rights of all children and are committed to their protection and support. Balbriggan Parish recognises the absolute necessity to safeguard the welfare of the children in our Parish, especially those who are in our care due to their involvement in community and church activities.

In keeping with this we will work to do all in our power to create safe environments for children and young people in order to secure their protection and enable their full participation in the life of the Church.


The following policy documents outline a number of procedures to ensure the continued good practice and service that exist.

Policy of Behaviour Adults

The Balbriggan Parish is committed to the highest standards of practise when working with, or being in contact with children or young persons.   The parish is committed to ensuring that all people using the Churchs shall comply with the practice of behaviours laid out in this document for the ‘Protection of Children’.  

Compliance with this Parish Behaviour Policy for the ‘Protection of Children’ in the church is MANDATORY.

Policy of Behaviour Practise

Let the teaching and practise of Jesus Christ be our guide in working with Children and Young People in our parish.

It shall be the responsibility of all adults/volunteer workers, using this church to comply with the following:

  • Being alone with a child or young person is not an appropriate practice. Should circumstances arise where this is unavoidable:

  • Immediately inform another responsible adult, by telephone if necessary.

  • Make a diary note, that the meeting with the young person took place, including the reasons for it.  (Diary located in the Sacristy)

  • Children and young people are not permitted to work or remain in this church unless there are at least two adults present.

  • All children and young people will be treated with equal respect; favouritism is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

  • Bullying in the form of verbal, psychological or physical behaviour is not acceptable and shall not be tolerated.

  • Do not spend a disproportionate amount of time with any particular child or group of children

  • Under no circumstances give alcohol, tobacco or drugs to children or young people.

  • Do not use alcohol, tobacco or drugs when supervising or working with children and young people.

  • Use only age-appropriate language, media products and activities when working or in contact with children and young people. Sexually explicit or pornographic material is never appropriate, and is not acceptable behaviour.

  • Do not engage in inappropriate physical contact of any kind – including rough physical play, physical reprimand and horseplay (tickling, wrestling, etc).

  • Do not take photographs of children or young people while they are in changing areas (for example, in a locker room).

  • Workers and volunteers should not undertake any car or minibus journey alone with a child or young person. If in certain circumstances only one adult is available, there should be:

    •  minimum of two children or young people present for the entire journey.

    • In the event of an emergency where it is necessary to make a journey alone with a child, make a record of this and inform the child’s parents or guardians as soon as possible. 

  • Be cognisant of the imbalance in power inherent in adult-child relationships.

Policy of Behaviour Children

  • Treat all others as you would like to be treated.             

  • Be fair and always tell the truth.

  • This is the house of God, respect it.

  • No messing or horseplay

  • Please be quiet in the house of God.

  • The church has a policy on child protection.

  • Don’t keep secrets, talk to the children’s officer if you have problems of any kind.

  • All mobile phones must be turned off or be put on silent.

  • Do not take photographs.


For more information log on to the website of the Child Protection Service of the Archdiocese of Dublin

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Saints Peter & Paul's Church, Dublin St, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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